submit assigenment onor before 20/3/2017
SET-1(roll no-1261-81)
1. (a) Define process. Explain about process structure.
(b) Explain in detail about zombie process.
2. (a) Explain in detail about interrupted system calls.
(b) Explain in detail about abort and sleep functions.
3. Briefly explain about the following IPCs:
(a) FIFO (b)
Pipes (c) Name spaces
SET-2 (roll no1282-A2)
1. (a) Explain in detail about Advisory Locking versus
Mandatory Locking.
(b) Explain in detail about File Locking versus Record
2. Explain the following system calls with clear syntax and
(a) fork( )
(b) wait( ) (c) exec( )
3. (a) What is an orphan process? Write a program to
illustrate orphan process.
(b) Explain various exit statuses with an example program.
SET-3 (roll no 12A3-C0,1247)
1. Explain the following with example:
(a) Process Creation (b)
Process Termination (c)
Signal function (d) Reliable
2. (a) Explain the advantages of FIFOs over pipes.
(b) Write a C program to illustrate two way communication
using FIFOs.
3. (a) Explain in detail about Zombie process and Orphan
(b) Differentiate between fork( ) and vfork( ).
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