Monday, 18 September 2017


CD Assignment -II

Submit on or before 25/9/2017
1. a) Construct the syntax-directed definition to produce a syntax trees for assignment        statements.  

   b) Write the quadruples, triples and indirect triples for the expression:
            -a + a * ( b + c ) + ( b + c ) * d .
2. a) What is peephole optimization? Mention the transformations that are characteristic of peephole optimizations.  
  b) Discuss storage allocation for non block structured languages. ?

3. a) Distinguish machine dependent and machine independent optimization?
   b) Explain the function preserving transformation techniques? 

1.a) Write the quadruples, triples and indirect triples for the expression:
            b* – ( c – d) + b* a – (c – d )
   b) Give the syntax-directed definition for a desk-calculator.     
2. Explain the following
      i) Garbage collectors   ii) Basic blocks and flow graphs   iii) Simple code  
3.a) Explain the   Inter procedural optimization
     b) what is a loop optimization? Explain various techniques in loop optimization.


1.a)  Explain in-detail, the Syntax Directed Translation Schemes.
    b) Discuss the type declarations with examples.  
2.a) Explain the importance of register allocation with respect to optimization.
    b) Explain with advantages and disadvantages of stack and heap storage allocation strategies for strings and records. 

3. a) Explain in brief about Loop optimization techniques? 

     b) Explain how redundant sub-expression elimination can be done at global level in a given Problem.  

Friday, 14 July 2017




1. a) Compute First and Follow for the grammar
E →E+T/T, T →T*F/F, F→(E)/id 
b) Eliminate Left Recursion for the grammar
E →E+T/T, T→T*F/F, F→(E)/id.

2. a) Convert the following grammar into LL(1) grammar and construct the LL(1)
Parsing table:
E→E + T | T, T→T * F | F, F → (E)/id
b) Convert the following grammar into LL(1) grammar and construct the LL(1)
Parsing table:
R→R “|’R|RR|R*|(R)|a|b
3. a) Convert the following grammar into LL(1) grammar and construct the LL(1) Parsing
bexpr → bexpr or bterm | bterm, bterm → bterm and bfactor | bfactor
bfactor → not bfactor | ( bexpr) | true | false
b) Write the differences between top down parsers and bottom up parsers.

4. a)Convert the following grammar into LL(1) grammar and construct the LL(1) Parsing table:
S →iEtS | iEtSeS, T→b
b) What is left recursion and left factoring? Eliminate left recursion for the following grammar
E→ E + E / num

5. a) Construct SLR parsing table for the grammar E→ E+T/T, T→ T*F/F, F→ (E)/id.
      b) Write the differences between LL parsers and LR parsers.

1. a) Consider following grammar
S→( L ) | a , L →L, S | S
Find parse trees for the sentences i) (a, (a,a)) ii) (a, (a,a), (a,a))

b)Explain about Top down parsing techniques.
2. a) Show that the following grammar is LL(1)
S -> AaAb | BbBa , A -> ε, B -> ε
b) Explain in brief about the model of Non recursive predictive parser?
3. a) Explain FIRST and FOLLOW Rules [4M]
b) Construct recursive descent parser for the following grammar
E→TE′ , E′→+TE′│€ , T→FT′ , T′→* FT′ │€ , F→ (E) │id
4. a) Write the algorithm for Constructing the predictive Parser.
b) Show that the following grammar is LL(1)
S→aAB│bA│€ A→aAb│€ B→bB│€
5.  a) Construct CLR Parsing table for the grammar S→L=R|R, L→*R|id,R→L
    b) Explain in brief about Operator Precedence parsing.


1. a) Explain in detail the difficulties in top down parsing
b) Find FIRST & FOLLOW from the following grammar
S→aAB│bA│€ A→aAb│€ B→bB│€
2. a) What is left recursion? Eliminate left recursion from the following grammar.
A→Ba│Aa│c B→Bb│Ab│d
b) Explain error recovery strategies in predictive parsing?
3. a)SAa|b, AAc|Aad|bd|€  check the given grammar LL(1) or not
 b) Write first and follow rulres
4.a) explain Error recovery in predictive parser with relevant example. 
  b) Discuss the short notes on Ambiguity. 
5. a) Construct the LALR parsing table for the following grammar:    
             S→Aa | bAc | dc|bda,     A→d
    b) Write an algorithm to find LR(0) items.  

Wednesday, 28 June 2017




1. a) Differentiate between compiler and interpreter.
   b) What is compiler? Explain in brief about phases of a Compiler.
2 a) Write regular expressions for the following patterns. 
   i) The set of words having a, e, i, o, u appearing in that order, although not   necessarily consecutively.  
  ii) All the strings of a's and b's that do not contain the substring abb.
  b) Explain the  lexical analyzer in compiler construction process.
3.  a) What are compiler & interpreter? Write short notes on  compiler and
         an interpreter.
   b) Explain various phases in the construction of a compiler.
4. a)   Explain the role of lexical analyzer.
   b) What are the reasons for separating lexical analysis from syntax analysis?

1. a ) What is regular expression? Write the regular expression following.
     i) Accepts all strings of 0’s & 1’s which and with 01.
      ii) Accepts all strings of 0’s & 1’s, whose 9 th position from the right end is 1.
       iii) Equal no of 1’s & 0’s
     b) What is Transition diagram? Explain with examples.
2. a) Describe the need and functionality of linkers, assemblers and loaders.
    b) What is the role of lexical analysis? Give examples.
    c) Differentiate between lexical analysis and parsing.
3.  a) Explain the different phases of the compiler, showing the output of each phase using  the  example for the statement
                      z = ( a*20 ) + b – c
      b)  Construct transition diagram for  the Regular Expression (a/b)*abb(a/b)*.
   c) Write about Lexical errors and their handlers.


1. a) Describe the output for the various phases of compiler with respect to the following statement
      b) Explain the reserved words and identifiers.

2. a) What is a regular expressions? Write a regular expression for identifier keyword and design a transition diagram for it.
       b) Explain the following terms with example
 i) token  ii) pattern  iii) lexeme
3.  a) Explain the structure of a compiler. 
      b) Consider the following fragment of ‘c’ code
                 float i, j;                  i= i*70+j+2;
        Write the output at all phases of a compiler. 

Wednesday, 15 March 2017


submit assigenment onor before 20/3/2017

SET-1(roll no-1261-81)
1. (a) Define process. Explain about process structure.
(b) Explain in detail about zombie process.
2. (a) Explain in detail about interrupted system calls.
(b) Explain in detail about abort and sleep functions.
3. Briefly explain about the following IPCs:
(a) FIFO                (b) Pipes              (c) Name spaces

SET-2         (roll no1282-A2)
1. (a) Explain in detail about Advisory Locking versus Mandatory Locking.
(b) Explain in detail about File Locking versus Record Locking.
2. Explain the following system calls with clear syntax and example:
(a) fork( )             (b) wait( )           (c) exec( )
3. (a) What is an orphan process? Write a program to illustrate orphan process.
(b) Explain various exit statuses with an example program.

SET-3 (roll no  12A3-C0,1247)
1. Explain the following with example:
(a) Process Creation       (b) Process Termination                (c) Signal function            (d) Reliable signals.
2. (a) Explain the advantages of FIFOs over pipes.
(b) Write a C program to illustrate two way communication using FIFOs.
3. (a) Explain in detail about Zombie process and Orphan process.
(b) Differentiate between fork( ) and vfork( ).

Tuesday, 21 February 2017


Distributed Systems


submit on or before 28/2/2017

SET-1( Roll No:131AB01201-131AB01222)

1.a) Explain architecture of server threads. Give its applications.
   b) Write about invocation and address space.

2. a) Explain and summarize Napster and its legacy with respect to distributed   file system.
    b) Explain sun network file system.

3. Write about bully algorithm and summarize how it is different from other
    election algorithms.
4.  a) Explain about locking in strict two phase locking.
    b) Write about distributed deadlocks. How to prevent deadlocks in distributed

 SET-2( Roll No:131AB01223-131AB01243)

1. Explain processes and threads with  examples.

2. a) Distinguish between IP and overlay routing for peer to peer applications.
   b) Discuss about overlay routing.
3. a) What are the features required for election algorithms.
     b) What meant by total ordering and where it is used.
4.  Discuss in detail about distributed deadlock and transaction recovery.

Saturday, 28 January 2017



 Submit on or before 1/2/2017

SET-1 (1261-1280)

1. Discuss in detail about various directory handling system calls.
2. Distinguish between stat and fstat system calls.
3. Explain getchar and putchar system calls.

SET-2 (1281-12A0)

1. Explain the following system calls.
a) symlink b)unlink c)chown d)octal
2. Give brief description about the low level file I/O.
3. Describe the formatted input and output functions.

SET-3 (12A1-12C0,47)

1. Explain the importance of dup command in UNIX and also explain the various forms of it with suitable example.
2. Explain the following system calls
a) fflush b)fgetc c)getc d)getchar
3. Write about system calls, library functions and low level file access functions with examples.

Monday, 23 January 2017


Distributed Systems 

Assignment -I 

submit this on or before 27.01.2017


1.What is architecture model.Explain different varients in architecture model?
2.What is inter process communication.Explain characteristics of inter process communications?
3.Write a short notes on 
 a)Stream communication.      b)UDP coomunication.


1.What is distributed system?Explain the goals and challenges of distributes system?
2.Explain briefly about external data representation and marshelling?
3.Explain about client server communication?

Tuesday, 3 January 2017


1. Explain about the features of UNIX.
2. Explain the following commands with suitable examples.
Umask, chmod, mkdir, rmdir, sort, cp
1. Explain in detail about file permissions and process utilities.
2. Explain in detail about backup utilities.
1. Explain in detail about disk utilities and text processing utilities.
2. Explain in detail about UNIX file system with neat diagram.

1. Write a shell program for file contains records. Each record containing name and city, name of state and name of country. How would you sort this file with country as the primary key and state the secondary sort key.
2. Write a shell script which counts the number of lines and words present in a given file.
3. Write a shell script that copies multiple files to a directory.
4. Implement a shell script to show that the given number is even or odd?
1. Write a shell script which displays the list of all files in the given directory.
2. Write a shell script (small calculator) that adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides the given two integers. There are two division options: one returns the quotient and the other returns reminder. The script requires 3 arguments: The operation to be used and two integer numbers. The options are add
 (-a), subtract(-s), multiply(-m), quotient(-c) and reminder(-r).
3. Write a shell script to reverse the rows and columns of a matrix.
4. Write a shell script to show the given strings and numbers are equal or not?