Thursday, 28 July 2016

IV-IT-SVECW-CNS -Assigments Qeuations

Dear IV-IT-SVECW-CNS students
Assigments -1 on or before 4th August 2016

Roll Numbers for sets





Cryptography and Network Security

1. a) Briefly explain format string vulnerabilities
b) b) Explain poly alphabetic cipher technique with an example.
2. a) Computer and network security is both fascinating and complex, what are the challenges
of Computer Security.
b) Explain the Distributed Denial of Service
3. Draw the general structure of DES and explain the encryption and decryption process in
4. Explain IDEA encryption and decryption process in detail?
5. Briefly explain Elgamal encryption & decryption.
6. Discuss the following related to Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC)
i) ECC Encryption / Decryption and Security of ECC ii) ECC Diffie Hellman Key Exchange


1. a) Briefly explain Buffer overflow vulnerabilities
b) Explain mono alphabetic cipher technique with an example.
2. a) What is session hijacking? Explain about TCP session hijacking in detail.
b) What is symmetric cipher model? Explain simple substitution techniques with an example.
3. What is AES algorithm? Explain different phases of AES algorithm.
4. Explain CAST-128 encryption and decryption process in detail?
5. Explain RSA algorithm in detail with an example.
6. a) Describe briefly Chinese remainder theorem with an example.
b) State Euler’s theorem and explain with example?


1. a) Explain the Fiestel cipher structure with a neat sketch. And also explain its importance.
b) Compare all the features of stream and block ciphers.
2. a) What is session hijacking? Explain about UDP session hijacking in detail.
b) What is symmetric cipher model? Explain simple substitution techniques with an example.
3. With a neat sketch explain Blowfish algorithm
4. Explain various block cipher design ciphers and models of operation in detail.
5. a) Discuss various principles of public key crypto Systems.
b) The public key crypto Systems addresses certain problems of symmetric crypto systems.
What are those problems explain in detail
6. Briefly explain Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol.

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